terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2013

Assist has being offered the following activities in Iliomar sub district

1.       Non-Formal Education program

ASSIST organization had been organized non formal education programs in Iliomar with the vision to contribute the development of the education in rural area. Non-formal educations programs which ASSIST had been organized through the donation of GIZ which has intention to create peace in East Timor. Through this peace fund, even ASSIST as a new organization but GIZ organization approved it, to become one of cannel of GIZ to organize a program of peace in sub-District of Iliomar during 6 months. These are the types of training: English and Portuguese courses, computer training and music.
Non-formal education program that Assist did through the linguistics courses, computer training and music during six months resulted a good number of participants. Those finally received certificate 35 for English, 26 for Portuguese course. For Music art, Assist did not able to give any certificate because the participants undeserved to it, due to the fact for the limitation of time and insufficient knowledge to gain the certificate.

2.       Cultural act program

a.       Visual art and creativity

Beside the program that facilitated by the GIZ foundation, ASSIST also has a good relation with other organizations which could contribute for the good running of the programs, for instance “ARTE MORIS” in the person of Mrs Tricia Johnson, who offered drawing materials. As well as “Timor Info” offered a computer to facilitate ASSIST administration office. Through their assistance and help, therefore ASSIST organization has been actualized the basic art lesson for the children and the youth, eventually they posted them in cultural event which ASSIST realized during three days in the ASSIST training centre on February 22-24, 2013.

b.      cultural promotion – artistic value.

Through this cultural art program also, ASSIST finally realized a program that more on the cultural promotion activity, especially about TEBEDAI for the primary schools in this sub-district territory; consequently they performed it through the competition on sub-district level. During this event, ASSIST had an opportunity to work together with local chiefs, particularly directors of the schools. Eventually, they could able give time to the students in order to practice TEBEDAI in their own schools. From four contestants were participating the TEBEDAI competitions on that event are
1st runner up: EBC No 1 Iliomar
2nd runner up: EBCC João Paulo II Iliomar
3rd runner up: E. F. Fuat no EBC no II Caenliu Iliomar.

c. Economic sustainable program
Through this program, ASSIST had been offered formation, capacity and motivation building to the young people in order to initiate their own work. In spite of that, these following groups become the beneficiaries of ASSIST program:
·         Neon Ida
·         Moris Rasik
·         Grupu Wata Mina
·         Grupu Buka Maluk.

These four groups actually had been realized their work according to their own areas. Eventually the result of their effort had been posted also during the Feira event in Iliomar. 

segunda-feira, 8 de julho de 2013



Through sustainable economic program, Assist-conducting capacity building activities carried out to Moris Rasik group’s  members, currently Assist provides a new stage for this group to have products that can be marketed. In practice, Assist provides an opportunity for the group to sell their produce at Assist training center.  As long as this group is difficult to introduce their show their products to the public, even though it only at the local level. Assist also provides an alternative for this Moris Rasik group to be more selling ahead pick Iliomar citizens. the  Alternative proposed and have been implemented such as  providing capacity building program for  members and  also for public to be participating to increasing their capacity, especially for young people, including those who dropped out of school. These target of the activities are: Members of the group will become more professional in producing their work, While the target activity courses for the general community is with these activities, Moris Rasik group can  participate in the local development process, while marketing capabilities that will provide opportunities for this group to be known by the general public, so that they can be attracted to the product sold. From another aspect, this group will also provide an opportunity for those who already have the capacity to be a member of the group and will have opportunity to work in creating products that can be increase their economic income .



A.    Introdusaun
Desenvolvimentu  hotu-hotu iha Timor Leste sei bele la’o wainhira juventude nu’udar futuru ba nasaun nian iha inisiativa rasik atu identifika sasan hotu ne’ebe komunidade no nasaun Timor Leste presisa hodi kontribui no estabilisa prosesu desenvolvimentu  iha seitor hotu-hotu. Tamba jovens ne’ebe’ iha spiritu nasionalismu, la presisa hein ema seluk mak hahu no kualia saida mak joventude presisa halo ba nia nasaun no komunidade.

ASSIST nu’udar organizasaun ki’ik ida moris husi inisiativa joventude Iliomar ne’ebe  hakarak kontribui direitamente  ba prosesu desenvolvimentu husi hirak iha sub distritu Iliomar ho kunhesementu no abilidade ne’ebe sufisiente ona hodi fo kontribuisaun ba prosesu desenvolvimentu hirak neé.

Assist komesa hahu ninia atividade iha di 14 de Fevereiru tinan 2012, no legalisa ninia estatutu iha Iliomar, dia 3 de Novembru 2012. Areas spesifiku hirak ne’ebe  organizasaún ASSIST atu halo maka hanesan: hala’o programa kapasitasaun ninian, promove potencia sosial kultural iha area rural liu husi media electronika, promove kultura, no ekonomia sustentabel.

Hanesan organizasaun joventude ida neébe moris ho inisiativa rasik no foti historia partisipasaun joventude iha tempu resistensia neébe sai base inspirasaun,  joventude Timor Leste ohin loron neébe moris ona iha nasaun liberdade no demokraticu ho ninia suberanu rasik, presisa esforsu makaás liu tan hodi kontinua apoiu guvernu no estado Timor Leste, hodi buka solusaun ba problema probreja, mukit, injustisa, inosente no seluk-seluk tan, ho kapasidade akademiku neébe sufisiente ona hodi garantia nasaun Timor Leste neébe mak sei forti ba bebeik iha era globalizasaun ida neé.

B.     Visaun No Misaun
Vida sosiál kultura no ekonomia humanu nian, liu-liu ba komunidade  iha area rurais ne’ebe dezenvolvidu ona maka’as.

ASSIST hakarak kontribui atu atinji moris diak ba povu iha futuru, liu husi servisu ho elementu komunidade hotu-hotu hodi posibiliza kriasaun no haburas kapasidade rekursu humanu ba dezenvolvimentu nasionál.
C.    Prinsipiu Dan Karakteristika Organizasaun
1.      Espirito Nasionalismu
2.      Igualidade ba ema hotu
3.      Prosesu Dezenvolvimentu presija involve husi fundador sira ne’ebé aktivu nu’udar nain no mos ema hotu ne’ebe’ iha vizaun hanesan hodi fo kontribuisaun  voluntáriu no kolaborasaun ba organizasaun.
4.      Transparensia no profesionalismu iha aspeitu hotu-hotu atu servi ASSIST ninia programa.
5.      Karakteristika ASSIST nian mak: Indepedenti, Inovativu no Demokrasia.

D.                            Baze Legál
Base legál  ba organizasaun ASSIST atu hamriík hodi halao atividade ne’ebe mak positivu ne’ebe mak kontribui ba prosesu desenvolvimentu  Timor Leste  mak: konstitusaun RDTL artigu 43, Estatutu ASSIST nian no Regulamento Interná.

E.                             Objetivu
Objektivu principal ba organizasaun Assist neé mosu  mak hanesan:
1.      Halo transformasaun ba konsiensia komunidade para sai ajente ba sira a’an rasik no bele hili tuir sira nia inisiativa, matenek no kreatividade.
2.      Halo mudansa positivu no haforsa karakterístiku juventude ne’ebe konstruktivu liu tan atu partisipa no kontribui ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu Nasionál iha futuru.
3.      Hametin Unidade Nasionál.
4.      Atu partisipa prosesu desemvolvimentu  nasionál ho profesionalismu no abilidade, liu husi programa ne’ebe inovativu ho sustentavel.
F.        Atividade neébe mak Assist hala’o liu husi divisaun servisu Assist nian:

  1. Programa Edukasaun non Formal

Edukasun non Formal nuúdar programa ida neébe organisasaun ASSIST hala’o ona iha komunidade iliomar nia let nuúdar kontribuisaun organizasaun ba desenvolvimentu edukasaun ninian iha area rural. programa edukasaun non formal  sira neébe  ASSIST konsege hala’o  liu husi fundus dame nian neébe GIZ oferese ba grupu ka joven sira neébe iha interese atu hala’o programa ruma hodi kria dame iha Timor laran tomak.
Liu husi fundus dame neé, ASSIST nuúdar Organizasaun foun ne’ebe hato’o ninia aplikasaun ba GIZ konsege aprova hodi sai parseiru ba GIZ atu hala’o programa neé iha sub distritu Iliomar durante fulan 6 ho tipu treinamentu ne’ebe hanesan: treinamentu ba lingua Ingles no Português, komputador no programa treinamentu muzika.
Programa edukasaun non formal ne’ebe ASSIST hala’o liu husi treinamentu ba kapasitasaun lingua (Ingles no Portugues), kursu Komputer no Arte Musika ho durasaun tempu fulan neén ne’e konsege resulta partisipante sira ne’ebe hetan ona Certifikadu ba area idak idak ninian hamutuk (35 ba kursu lingua Ingles, 26 ba kursu Lingua Portugues).  Ba arte musika Assist seidauk bele entrega sertifikadu ba partisipante sira tamba ho tempu ne’ebe limitadu ba partisipante sira hodi iha kunhesementu ne’ebe sufisiente atu hetan  sertifikadu.

2.         Programa Arte Kultura.
 a)         Arte visual no industria kreativu (arte zenato)
 Aliende programa treinamentu sira neébe fasilita ho fundus husi GIZ, Assist mos halo parseiru diak ho organizasaun non govermentais sira seluk ne’ebe kontribui ba programa balun ne’ebe mak Assist hala’o mak hanesan Arte Moris no Sr. Tricia Jhonson neébe Oferese material pintura nian), Info Timor mak oferese computer ida hodi fasilita servisu administrasaun Assist. Husi parseiru hirak neé, Assist konsege hala’o duni programa arte visual no arte zenato liu husi treinamentu konaba kunhesementu basiku arte ninian ba labarik no joventude sira ne’ebe konsege resulta sasan kreativu ne’ebe hatudu iha eventu kultural ida ne’ebe Assist organiza no hala’o durante loron tolu (3) iha Centru Treinamentu Assist, 22-24 Fevereiru 2013.
 b)         Promosaun ba Kultura neébe iha valor artistiku.
 Liu husi programa arte kultura ida neé mos, Assist konsege hala’o programa ida ne’ebe foka liu ba promosaun  atividade kultural liu-liu konaba treinamentu Tebedai ba eskola basiku sira iha sub distritu Iliomar ne’ebe finaliza ho atividade kompetisaun entre  eskola basiku sira iha nivel sub distritu. Durante hala’o programa ida neé Assist konsege servisu hamutuk ho lideranca lokal sira, liu-liu director da eskola  sira  hodi oferece tempu oituan atu fo treinamentu konaba Tebedai ba estudante balun ne’ebe eskola idak-idak rasik hili ema ne’ebe mak sei tuir treinamentu Tebedai ne’ebe mak hala’o duni iha sira nia eskola idak-idak. Husi grupu kontestante (4) ne’ebe tuir kompetisaun neé, grupu Tebe Dai ne’ebe mak sai manan nain mak tuir mai ne’e:
1o, lugar, EBC no 1 Iliomar
2o lugar, EBCC Joao Paulo II- Iliomar
3o lugar, E.F. Fuat no EBC no II Caenliu Iliomar

3.         Programa Ekonomia Sustrntavel.
Liu husi programa ekonomia sustentavel, ASSIST konsege hala’o ona ninia servisu liu husi formasaun no 
kapasitasaun no motifasaun hodi hala’o sira nia servisu rasik. Aliende fo kapasitasaun motifasaun. Grupu
hirak ne’ebe mak sai benefisiariu ba programa ASSIST ninian mak hanesan:
1.      Neon ida.
2.      Moris Rasik.
3.      Grupu Wata Mina.
4.      Grupu Buka Maluk.

Grupu negosiu haát ne’e konsege hala’o ninia servisu tuir idak-idak ninia area no hatudu ninia resultadu servisu iha Feira ne’ebe ASSIST organiza durante loron tolu (22-23 Fevereiru 2013).

domingo, 7 de julho de 2013


Non-formal education program that runs during the course of providing programs to the Iliomar community, Assist now has been done up in the thirst period as continually of Assist work since in 2012 on this period, Assist has run the program more developed and innovative although there is still many limitation of facilities and professional teachers provide.
 In this period, there is some additional activities in accordance with the suggestion of the local community which include: English language course that was start opened in one of the villages that far away from Assist training center in Illiomar , Village Kaenliu, and provocation Child Talent Program which provides activities such as English for children, music and drawing courses. These additional programs as part of efforts to address local community proposals for programs conducted as more accommodating.  Other  addition program also been created to the young people who drop out of school or married people who want to have a knowledge of tailing or become a tailor ship. Target participants of all the courses of this period are mention below:
  • Computer Course, has enrolled 20 people to 16 people for beginners and old participants.
  • English language course, 34 participants will follow the old basic English level 2 program, while for new participants, will attend a basic English level 1, which consists of 60 participants.
  • Portuguese language course are 26 participants from the old participant and 30 new participants.
  • As for the children's program, has received a number of participants Assist as many as 28 people, where they will get the English language courses, music and painting each twice a week