terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2013

Assist has being offered the following activities in Iliomar sub district

1.       Non-Formal Education program

ASSIST organization had been organized non formal education programs in Iliomar with the vision to contribute the development of the education in rural area. Non-formal educations programs which ASSIST had been organized through the donation of GIZ which has intention to create peace in East Timor. Through this peace fund, even ASSIST as a new organization but GIZ organization approved it, to become one of cannel of GIZ to organize a program of peace in sub-District of Iliomar during 6 months. These are the types of training: English and Portuguese courses, computer training and music.
Non-formal education program that Assist did through the linguistics courses, computer training and music during six months resulted a good number of participants. Those finally received certificate 35 for English, 26 for Portuguese course. For Music art, Assist did not able to give any certificate because the participants undeserved to it, due to the fact for the limitation of time and insufficient knowledge to gain the certificate.

2.       Cultural act program

a.       Visual art and creativity

Beside the program that facilitated by the GIZ foundation, ASSIST also has a good relation with other organizations which could contribute for the good running of the programs, for instance “ARTE MORIS” in the person of Mrs Tricia Johnson, who offered drawing materials. As well as “Timor Info” offered a computer to facilitate ASSIST administration office. Through their assistance and help, therefore ASSIST organization has been actualized the basic art lesson for the children and the youth, eventually they posted them in cultural event which ASSIST realized during three days in the ASSIST training centre on February 22-24, 2013.

b.      cultural promotion – artistic value.

Through this cultural art program also, ASSIST finally realized a program that more on the cultural promotion activity, especially about TEBEDAI for the primary schools in this sub-district territory; consequently they performed it through the competition on sub-district level. During this event, ASSIST had an opportunity to work together with local chiefs, particularly directors of the schools. Eventually, they could able give time to the students in order to practice TEBEDAI in their own schools. From four contestants were participating the TEBEDAI competitions on that event are
1st runner up: EBC No 1 Iliomar
2nd runner up: EBCC João Paulo II Iliomar
3rd runner up: E. F. Fuat no EBC no II Caenliu Iliomar.

c. Economic sustainable program
Through this program, ASSIST had been offered formation, capacity and motivation building to the young people in order to initiate their own work. In spite of that, these following groups become the beneficiaries of ASSIST program:
·         Neon Ida
·         Moris Rasik
·         Grupu Wata Mina
·         Grupu Buka Maluk.

These four groups actually had been realized their work according to their own areas. Eventually the result of their effort had been posted also during the Feira event in Iliomar. 

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